1800 171 882 | [email protected]

Young Mums Playgroup

Who is the Young Mums playgroup for?

Young Mums Playgroup is a supported playgroup for mums up to 25 years old, with children 0-5 years old.  A place where you can socialise with others in a friendly and welcoming environment. 

Where is Young Mums playgroup held?

Young Mums playgroup is held Monday afternoons during school terms from 12:00pm – 2:00pm at Rossiter Street Playgroup, Rapid Creek.

Will I need to pay?

Young Mums playgroup is free, but families do need to register and become a member of Playgroup NT. 

Who should I contact?

For further information, please contact Playgroup NT on 8945 7775 or [email protected]