1800 171 882 | [email protected]

Affiliate with Playgroup NT


Organisations such as not-for-profit community groups, schools, child care agencies, Family Care Schemes and Churches that run their own playgroups and already have their own insurance may affiliate with Playgroup NT. Playgroup NT provides support to organisations that establish playgroups as a service to their local community.

There is no charge to affiliate with Playgroup NT. To connect your organisation with us please complete the below affiliation form. A certificate will be emailed to you once your affiliation form has been processed and we will add your organisations playgroup details to our timetable which is shared on Facebook and our website. 

Thank you for your time and effort, we look forward to working with you!

Please contact us for more information.

  • Playgroup Details

  • Session Information: Please state the playgroup session times and age group: